A Payday loan also referred to as a cash or payday advance. Is a short-term loan that’s usually repaid on the day that you receive your next salary payment, hence the name ‘payday loan’. The loan amount is generally smaller and the repayment period shorter than a normal loan. And there will not be terms such as 12 months to repay rather it will be one month or a little longer.
Therefore if you interested in getting some cash in your pocket in a snap consider these Snappy Payday Loans South Africa.
Get cash fast with Payday loans
If you’re Gauteng based get loans from as little as R500 to assist you until your next pay day with Res Q Loans.
Res Q Loans helps you bridge the gap between paydays from the comfort of your home or office. As it’s an online loan provider with a fast, convenient service of cash advances.
With a very simple application that requires the following documentation Identity Document, last three months’ bank statements and latest payslip.
Call: 074-225-2930, e-mail: info@resqloans.co.za or visit www.resqloans.co.za.
SA Payday loans
Apply now for a cash loan. Blacklisted and bad credit ratings are welcome. SA Payday loans provide a service of finding online loan offers and delivering these to their users.
SA Payday loans currently promote offers from these financial service providers: Loan Finder SA, CashLoans and Loans Unlimited.
And the loaning process it all happens online, therefore it’s fast; it’s quick, paperless application with quick approval for your payday loan. These are payday loans for South Africans where credit is given despite having poor credit rating, garnishee orders and defaults or being blacklisted.
Although bear in mind that qualifying with a low credit score might result in a repayment period of six months for your payday loan.
Email: admin@instantpaydayloanssouthafrica.co.za or visit www.sapayday.co.za.
LittleLoans is fast payday loans up to R8000 that are a quick and easy online application. If you’re South African citizen who is over 18 and has a regular income you welcome to apply. And chances are high that you’ll have some cash to pay your bills in less than an hour.
Once you fill in the form online a customer consultant will call to arrange the loan. And even with a bad credit you can still maybe qualify, just try your luck.