Getting access to a payday loan lender is simple nowadays. With the simple click of a mouse, you can get access to the finance you need to meet most of your short term financial needs. Technological innovations have made it easier to gain access to a range of financial solutions online.
If you’re looking for short term financial solutions you can simply visit the websites of various payday loan lenders and complete an application.
Why payday loans are popular:
- Fast pay-outs
- No credit checks
- Easy qualifying criteria
- Easy online applications
Popular payday loan lenders in South Africa:
- Wonga
- Boodle
- Wanna Loan
- King Cash
- Power Loans
- Little Loans
- Mulah
How to find the best payday loan lenders:
The best payday loan lenders offer convenient short term financial solutions. They provide quick and simple access to payday loans.
Repayment periods are often up to 30 days or 35 days maximum.
You should expect fast processing, so you can get quick access to finance when you need it most.
Most payday lenders have simple qualifying criteria, unlike with traditional lenders such as banks. There is also minimal paperwork involved.
Some of the best payday loan lenders offer finance to individuals with bad, poor or no credit. They also have no restrictions on applications from self-employed individuals.
Applying for payday loans is a quick process and you should expect pay-outs with 24 to 48 hours. The best payday loan lenders offer fast pay-out solutions so you won’t have to wait for days on end to access cash. The loan amount is paid directly into your bank account, giving you immediate access to the funds.
The best payday loan lenders have transparent online loan processes, so you know exactly how much you have to repay as well as the associated fees.