Payday Loans are short term loans that serve as quick cash to meet emergency expenses. These loans, along with cash advances, can be used as short term loans to take you through to your next payday when fee payment and balance are due.
All these are short term loans that help applicants to make ends meet. Lenders know that everyone has different financial requirements, and so they offer varying loan options.
You can apply for our long term cash loans even if you are blacklisted. Credit checks may be done by other companies whilst other may ignore this in your cash loan application. You choose the amount you want as well as payment term and you application will be assessed accordingly.
Requirements for payday loans with no credit check:
- A copy of South African Identity document
- Bank account with in South Africa
- You need to be employed
- 3 months bank statement
- Latest payslip
The short term payday loan and cash advance loans vary in terms of loan amounts and loan period. Qualifying for a payday loan is easy. You must have a regular income of a certain amount, be at least 18 years of age and have an active bank account in good condition. Payday advances provide an advance on your wages. The cash is received in a single lump sum and is required to be paid by month end along with the interest amount.
Being highly accessible, there can often be a temptation to opt for payday cash loans for less urgent problems. However, you should not take these loans for needs that are not genuine. The loans can be expensive and should not be used irresponsibly. A lot of people set emergency funds for critical situations. 3 to 6 months of living expenses should at least be spared for these emergent funding needs. Some might keep their emergency cash in a checking account for withdrawal when needed.