Don’t have time to deal with finding a loan from the vast variety of loan companies who you can choose to lend money from let Mr Cash Loans assist you in finding a loan suitable for you.
Mr Cash Loans is not the credit provider but they will assist you in obtaining your unsecured loan easy providing you with fast loans solutions.
Mr Cash Loans believe it’s important that consumers, who are looking for finance opportunities, have a variety of options available to them.
All their loans are unsecured and they mainly deal in the following types of loans:
- Cash Loans,
- Blacklisted Loans,
- Online Loans, and
- Loans for Bad Credit.
Why loan through Mr Cash Loans?
- They assist those who have difficulty in getting loans approved
- They’re a responsible lender as they’ll never grant a loan that you’ll not be able to afford.
- You’ll be able to have more than one active loan once 3 consecutive instalments on your current loan are paid.
How will Mr Cash Loans assist you in obtaining your unsecured loan easy?
Fill out the online application form on their homepage www.mrcashloans.co.za this will assist Mr Cash in knowing whether you qualify for one of their loan options
And although their Mr Cash loan options are all unsecured there’s a basic criteria for loan application of cash and blacklisted loans to be met in order to get your loan approved.
- You have to be permanently employed for at least three consecutive months at the same company.
- You have to be a South African citizen.
- You need to receive your salary into a valid South African Bank account, which is in the name of the applicant.
- You need to be between the ages of 18 – 65 years.
- We cannot assist you if you are under administration, debt review or sequestration.
- You need to be able to either fax or email the required documents to us when asked to do so.
- If you earn more than R3000 per month (related to those who’re applying for a Blacklisted loan).
Required documents no original copies as you can fax / email them for a loan to be approved.
- LATEST 2 month bank statement (from inside the bank or ATM)
- Clear copy of your ID book
- Latest month’s Payslip
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