Car and Home Insurance

Car and Home Insurance

If you own a car and a house you realise the importance of protecting your assets from the risk of damage or loss through theft. 

More insurance companies are offering clients an option to save on the amount of premiums they are paying through multi-policies.

Why you should combine Car and Home Insurance:

The most effective way to keep premiums manageable is for a policyholder to take advantage of every discount. It’s important to make sure that you are comfortable with the company in the event that you actually need to file a claim.

Insurers offer their lowest premium rates to customers that have two or more policies.

Trends indicate that consumers can get a discount of between 10% and 15% on their policies.

By choosing to combine your policies you can benefit from being able to cut the time it takes to service the policy in half.

The convenience it offers is unmatched – it only takes one call to ask questions about billing or to change your address.

Further benefits: 

  • Claims convenience
  • You have two policies but only one premium to pay
  • There is reduced risk of cancellation because insurance companies don’t want to lose the premium from both policies.
  • You can manage your budget better

What you need to keep in mind:

Switching often works similarly to signing up for a new insurance policy.

Bundling insurance policies also give insurance companies greater access to your claim history and they also have a better idea of who you are.

It’s important that you make sure that you’re buying the policies for the right reasons. Assess the benefits carefully to make sure that you understand what you will be gaining.

You need to make sure that you are comfortable with the company in the event you actually need to file a claim.




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