Owning a credit card comes with a range of benefits and rewards. A credit card may come in handy when you need to pay for a financial emergency or if you simply want to spoil yourself by splurging on a few luxury items. Leading financial institution First National Bank (FNB) has a number of credit card facilities designed to cater to the individual needs of its clients.
Each credit card type has its own fees which apply to credit card holders.
The credit facility service fee is R34 per month, while credit card holders can benefit from getting up to 55 days interest-free credit.
For a once-off initiation fee of R150 as well as the R23 credit card monthly account fee, qualifying individuals may benefit from these services.
Sending money using eWallet services costs R9.50, while withdrawal is charged at R3.95 + R1.30 per R100.
Credit card purchases are free.
To qualify for this credit card you must earn between R80 000 and R119 999 annually.
For a monthly credit card account fee of R29, individuals can benefit from a wide range of benefits and rewards offered by this credit solution.
The once-off initiation fee is R150 and there is a credit facility service fee of R40 – making this one of the most affordable credit cards on offer.
This credit facility comes with a personalised limit of up to R60 000.
The credit card monthly account fee on this card amounts to R58, while the credit facility service fee is a reasonable R60 per month.
As a premier credit card holder you are provided with access to a dedicated team of premier banks.
Private Wealth Credit card facilities are available to individuals earning more than R1,5 million annually.
These fees came into effect on 1 July 2015 and will be updated on 30 June 2016.
For more information about FNB credit card fees, call: 087 575 111 or simply visit the website www.fnb.co.za