Car Insurance Quick Quote

Car Insurance Quick Quote

When you are looking to get car insurance you have the opportunity to choose how to get a quick quote. You can choose three ways:

  • Direct method
  • Online comparison
  • Through a broker

What types of car insurance can you get?

Comprehensive Insurance:

This type of car insurance cover is for incidents that are unrelated to accidents that may affect the car, such as weather damage, theft or hijacking. This type of cover provides the most extensive cover and it also the most expensive type of cover. It is often highly recommended for drivers of new vehicles.

Third Party, Fire and Theft insurance:

If you are looking for a slightly cheaper insurance, this cover may be ideal for you. It is similar to comprehensive cover but it does not provide cover for accidental damage to your vehicle.

Third Party Only insurance:

This type of insurance provides cover for any damage you may have caused to someone else’s vehicle (third party).

How to get a quick car quote:

Your best bet for getting a quick car insurance quote is by choosing to look online. The internet has made it simpler for people to get access to insurance products. By searching online you have a multitude of information available and you can get a quote by filling in a quick online form.

You are usually asked a few questions about yourself, including how long you have been driving for, how old you are, where you live and what type of car you drive.

The process is very quick but it also depends on your computer skills. It can take about 15 to 20 minutes maximum. The insurance company will then assess your information and revert back to you with a quote based on your individual risk and your personal information.


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