Having a credit card can be quite convenient when you need to make purchases and you don’t have access to cash. You can use your credit card to make larger purchases too and use the budget facility to repay the amount off over a number of months.
Woolworths offers customers quality credit card services with rewards and a number of other benefits.
Woolworths credit cards are offered as either black, gold or silver.
Who qualifies for Woolworths credit cards?
Black credit card
Be at least 18 years old, with a valid South African ID number. You also need to earn in excess of R41 666 per month and be willing to provide your latest 3 payslips or your latest 3 months’ bank statements.
You get to benefit from having cash when you need it, free automatic basic travel insurance and getting to shop anywhere.
Gold credit card
To qualify for this card you need to earn more than R3000 per month. You also get 2% back on your purchases.
Silver credit card
With the silver Woolworths credit card you have the benefit of a budget facility, electronic statements, lost card protection and cash when you need it.
It’s important to make sure that you check your credit status prior to applying for a Woolworths credit card. You should also make sure that you can afford monthly repayments.
To check your Woolworths credit card application status you can simply check with a consultant in-store.
You can also register for Woolworths online banking.
What else you can do with Woolworths Credit Card Online banking:
- Get your account details
- Get notifications
- Pay beneficiaries
- Manage and view beneficiaries
- Cancel Services
- View your transaction history
- View your statements
- View your budget transactions
How to access Woolworths Credit Card Online Banking:
- Register online by visiting woolworths.co.za
- Complete the registration process in under 5 minutes
- Your account number is your credit card number as it appears on your card
You can log into your Woolworths credit card online banking and check your Woolworths credit card application status.