Getting cheap automobile insurance is a process that involves comparisons of premiums, excess amounts, and the car that you drive and where you live.
Compare automobile insurance online
The cheapest possible prices are usually reserved for new customers. You could save quite a lot by switching insurers. Just make sure that you are comparing like-for-like cover. By comparing insurance quotes online you could see how much you could be saving by switching insurers.
Increase your excess
By opting for a higher voluntary excess you can lower your premium. You must be able to afford your voluntary excess.
Think carefully before adding extras
Too many extras could significantly bump up the price of your policy. You should essentially buy only what you need to make sure that you have the right amount of cover. By choosing extras, such as a courtesy car when your car is being repaired can be convenient, but can also drive up the cost of your automobile insurance.
Add security features
By adding security features to your car you can reduce the chances of it being stolen. This may result in you getting cheap automobile insurance.
Consider the distance you drive
How far and often your drive has an effect on your car insurance. If you drive shorter distances, you may benefit from a pay-as-you-drive car insurance policy, rather than a fully comprehensive one. When trying to get cheap automobile insurance you should factor in the distance you drive, along with how often you drive. The more often you are on the road, the bigger of a risk you are to insurance companies, so your insurance premiums will increase as a result.
Pay annually
You can save considerably by paying annually instead of monthly premiums. When paying monthly premiums the amount may be higher.