If you need to take out a personal loan, there are many options available to you. You can apply at one of the major banks for a personal loan, or you can choose to use another great provider, especially if you’re looking for an instant loan. But what happens if you blacklisted?
If you have a bad credit history, we will blacklisted, you may still apply for a personal loan, as the Omni credit providers that offer loans for blacklisted people in Gauteng. This means that you may still be able to get the money you need, providing that you are full-time employed can afford the loan.
EC Finance
EC Finance offers loans in Cape Town, and you can choose an amount of up to R120,000 to borrow. The loan application only has a few simple steps and you will be paid directly into your bank account Souness your application has been approved. They offer unsecured loans to people in South Africa and they generally also offer loans to blacklisted individuals.
Yebo Loans
Yebo Loans was established in 2005 with the aim of providing loans to all employed South African Citizens. Yebo loans for blacklisted people offer a comprehensive and flexible range of loan products to meet the needs of all their clients. They also help clients who have a bad credit rating or who are blacklisted and finding it difficult to get a loan. They are based in Port Elizabeth, but they provide loans countrywide, including Gauteng.
Finding a loan in Gauteng is easy if you compare different credit providers online. Make sure that you know everything about their terms, as well as the interest rate and any additional fees that might become payable. Lastly never take up another loan if you are already struggling to pay your debt.