There is a new loan service provider in town, iloans. If you ever thought that being blacklisted was the end of your financial aid, think again.
As iloans, a new loan provider in South Africa has you covered if being blacklisted is preventing you from getting a loan. Look no further than to obtain a personal loan with iloans.
The personal loan with iloans lets you borrow money over a set period of months/years with easy repayment terms to suit your budget. Therefore with iloans, a new loan provider in South Africa it reassures you that being blacklisted definitely doesn’t mean the end of the road.
iloans offer financial assistance to blacklisted clients who are in need of a personal loan. As being blacklisted simply means you have a bad credit history, it doesn’t mean that you will not be able to get a personal loan.
And clients with a bad credit history can qualify for personal loans depending on how bad their credit rating is. Just fill in a form online to get the application process started.
Let iloans, a new loan provider in South Africa help you get your finance in order with a personal loan to suit your pocket. Apply online at and fill out the application form and one of the iloans consultants will call you back.
iloans is a division of the Finance turtle.
Contact them by E-mail: or by phone Tel: 087 940 3072