Gumtree Jobs – Helping You Take a Step Closer to Your Dream Job

Gumtree Jobs – Helping You Take a Step Closer to Your Dream Job

Gumtree is an online marketplace that has gained widespread popularity across South Africa. One of the most popular uses for Gumtree in this country is for job searches.  

Gumtree jobs are mainly advertised on a specialised service, called “JobFinder”. This is a simple process that allows you to refine your job search in order to find the right solution for your needs.

Improvements in technology have had varying effects on different industries in the world. One of these industries is the job market.  More individuals are searching for employment by simply searching on the internet. Gumtree’s JobFinder tool has evolved along with rapid changes in technology.

Users are now also able to download the free Gumtree App in order to be able to take full advantage of the service wherever they are, whenever they choose.

Tips for searching for a job online:

  • Research the market-related salary of the job you’re applying for
  • Determine how far you’re prepared to travel
  • Draft a professional and concise CV
  • If you get an interview, ensure that the interview is in a safe public place

Gumtree also has a Job tips page which provides some valuable tools for finding your dream job.

Tips that Gumtree has available on its Job tips page: 

  • Learn how to market yourself
  • Learn all you can
  • Create a job feed
  • Hone your profile
  • Utilise social media
  • Consider creating your own website
  • In addition, tips on how to prepare for an interview are also available.

Tips for applying for a job online:

Google the company.

If the company doesn’t reveal their name in the advert, send them an email requesting further details. A Google search should provide you with more information.

Don’t divulge too much information

Avoid giving away too much of your personal information.

Be wary of advertisers asking for photographs

Don’t pay for any services

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