As an existing customer you could save on your monthly repayments when you switch your loans to FNB. Reduce the hassle of paying multiple credit providers and simplify your monthly repayments.
What does the FNB Personal loan offer you?
- A loan up to R150 000 with flexible repayment terms up to 60 months
- A personalised interest rate
What this allows you to do:
- Take a break from your payments in January
- Pay zero penalties when you settle your loan account early
Ways to apply
- Apply Online
- Complete the call me back form
- Call 0860 102 631
What documents do I need?
- Your green bar coded ID or Smart Card
- Your certified proof of residence
- A settlement quote should you wish to consolidate your debt
If you do not bank with FNB they will require all of the above including:
- One payslip if paid monthly
- Two payslips if paid fortnightly
- Four payslips if paid weekly
- Latest three months bank statements reflecting your last three deposits
- Latest six months bank statements if self employed
- IRP5 Tax Certificate if self employed
You can contact FNB personal loans at 0860 102 631 or you can complete a call me back form. You can also choose to apply for a loan online.
Most people try to plan their expenses but there are things it’s impossible to foresee. Sometimes consumers need to borrow money really quickly and they can’t wait until one of traditional loan lenders approves their loan application. Online loans perfectly suit for financial emergencies because getting them may take less than an hour. Another important point is that you don’t have to explain why you need the money so you can just use it the way you want.