Owning a credit card can come with a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit of owning a credit card is having the ability to make purchases even without access to cash.
You get to repay the credit card balance by the end of the month. If you opt to make payments using the budget facility, you can pay the amount over a number of months.
Leading retailer Woolworths is known for offering customers quality products and services. The bank also strives to offer customers an enhanced shopping experience through its credit card offering.
Woolworths credit cards are offered as either Black, Silver or Gold Woolworths Credit Cards.
What benefits are offered by the Woolworths Credit Card?
- You’ll get money back in WVouchers
- There are competitive interest rates
- You get up to 55 days’ interest-free shopping
- You are automatically part of the Woolworths programme
- You can use your Woolworths Credit Card to draw cash at any ATM displaying the Visa logo
- You get Basic Travel Insurance
What you need to know about checking your Woolworths credit card balance online:
You can start by registering for Woolworths Credit Card banking online. This gives you the convenience of transacting or viewing your account from anywhere in the world.
You can simply complete the 5 step registration process. Your access account number is your credit card number as it appears on your card.
You can then view your Woolworths credit card balance online.
Simply visit www.woolworths.co.za to register.
Credit card balance tips:
- You should prioritise your credit card payments, making larger payments on the card with the highest annual percentage rate.
- Keep in mind that rewards credit cards are best for those who pay off their balance in full every month.
- Make sure that you make your credit card payments on time.