Managing monthly finances is usually simple if individuals have a thorough plan and know exactly what they spend their money on. This is an advisable solution to keeping track of your finances and ensuring financial freedom. Once in a while though, it may sometimes happen that unexpected expenses override well-thought out monthly budgets. It’s at times such as these when individuals crave financial relief the most. One cannot always rely on help from friends or family members to draw them out of the ditch, so seeking alternative finance is recommended. Paying for expenses such as medical bills or a child’s education can leave many people financially strained. For financial relief and flexibility, Atlas Finance may be the ultimate solution.Established at the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994 by Jack Halfon, Atlas Finance currently boasts over 170 branches nationwide. The financial services provider goes out of its way to ensure clients are satisfied.
A short-term loan provider, Atlas Finance provides up to R8000, with repayments required to be fulfilled within 6 months. As an institution that truly understands the needs of individuals, Atlas Finance may adjust loan requirements to suit client needs.
Ethical loan services are provided to clients and Atlas Finance endorses responsible lending practices.
Another option provided to qualifying individuals is a personal loan of up to R3000, with repayments structure over 4 to 6 months. An added benefit of choosing this loan is the reward of R99 which is loaded onto your Atlas Finance NuCard for free.
Call Atlas Finance on: 0800 204 679 or 087701 8665 for instant financial relief to you short-term finance challenges.