Are you having a tough month financially? You’ve just spent your last cent on paying utility bills for the month when your car packs up. Or maybe you’ve had to pay for an unexpected medical procedure you had to get done. We’ve all been there at some point or another in our lives. Lotus Loans is a personal loans provider that strives to address such challenges.
Banks are no longer the only viable solution for financial assistance when you’re running a little low on cash. The micro lending industry in South Africa continues to expand. With more than 9 million South Africans in debt, this is an indicator that this industry is robust. More South Africans are turning to micro lenders such as Lotus Loans for assistance when they need it most, rather than banks.
Lotus Loans provides flexible payment options and competitive interest rates – a huge plus in the eyes of many South African consumers.
Personal loans are also provided through an easy application process. Applicants don’t have to wait in long bank queues to get access to the finance they need. Lotus Loans consultants are on hand to provide loan applicants with all the assistance they may need during the application process.
Another advantage of applying with a micro lender like Lotus Loans is that there isn’t too much paperwork to fill in.
Interest rates are competitive and loan amounts are dependent on individual affordability.
Contact Lotus Loans by calling:
031 401 0856 or 031 402 1039
Lotus Loans address:
312 Florence Nightingale Drive