Taking out a loan has become easier as you are now able to do an online loan application, taking only a few minutes of your time and usually gives you a result the same day. With Atlas Finance Online Loan Application, you are able to do an Atlas online loan application in a few minutes by filling in a short contact form and allowing consultants to failure back to finalise your application.
Atlas Finance offers loans of up to R1,000 with the option of repaying the loan over up to 6 months. If you take out a loan of R3,000 or more over a period of six months you will get an additional R99 as a personal gift. Applying takes only a few minutes and once approved, the money will be transferred to your bank account within 24 hours.
Atlas Finance has more than 170 branches nationwide and has provided loans to more than 2 million clients nationwide. They have seen significant growth since their opening in 1994 and they are a Registered Credit Provider and proud member of Micro-Finance South Africa (MFSA).
Personal loans can be used for anything from renovating your home and pay medical bills, to paying for school fees or taking a long deserved family holiday. Personal loans should not be taken out. If you are already struggling to meet your current debt repayments, and you should rather opt for applying for a consolidation loan if you want to significantly reduce your monthly repayments.
Online loan applications make it very easy for people to apply for a loan as it is easy to do and there is no lengthy application process or forms to fill in. A consultant will be able to phone you back and finalize your application the same day, and the money can be in your account within 24 hours.