Owning a credit card can be quite convenient when you don’t have access to a large amount of cash in an emergency. You can also swipe your credit card when you need to make larger purchases. You can spread the payment over a number of months. Owning a credit card can also provide a good way to build a credit history.
It’s important to make sure that you choose the right credit card for your unique individual needs.
Absa Bank Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Barclays Africa Group. The bank provides services primarily in South Africa and Namibia. The bank offers a range of credit card solutions.
What are the benefits offered by Absa credit cards?
- Worldwide acceptance. You can use your Absa credit card at millions of merchants all over the world.
- Absa credit cards have full ATM functionality. You can use your card to withdraw cash from any Absa ATM.
- You can use your credit card to shop online.
- You get rewarded when you spend. Absa credit cards come with rewards.
The Absa Classic Credit Card is a specialised credit card offer that provides affordable credit to individuals above the age of 18 years old, who earn an income of R2000 or more per month.
To apply for this credit card, applicants need to provide a valid South African ID as well as proof of residence.
Why choose the Absa Classic Credit Card?
- You get up to 57 days’ interest-free credit
- You have access to a budget facility, which you can use to make larger purchases.
- The credit card as full ATM functionality.
- You have the option to link you card to your Absa Cheque or Savings account.
- You get free monthly eStatements so you can keep track of your balance.
- Free Lost Card Protection ensures that you aren’t liable for any unauthorised purchases made on your Absa Classic Credit Card if you lose it or if it’s stolen.
- You get free automatic basic travel insurance.
- You have 24/7 access to internet banking, cellphone banking and telephone banking.
- Your card is fitted with enhanced security in the form of chip and PIN technology.
To apply for an Absa Classic Credit Card, visit www.absa.co.za