If you have just finished high school and starting college or university, you have to know a few things before enrolling. You must know by this time what you want to do with your life and subsequently, supplement this aim in life with studies. This, however, can be very intimidating and you might need help.
One fabulous thing about technology, is that it gives you resources that was not widely available a few years ago that can help give career advice. However, the best part is that this is available at the touch of your fingertips in the comfort of your home. Even if you know already know what you want to do with your life, these career advice sites can help steer you in the right direction.
When looking at the top career advice sites, sites like CollegeRecruiter.com area a useful tool if you are a student still studying but is thinking of an internship or a student that has recently graduated, looking for an entry-level job. Here are the top five site that will have the most influence on your career:
Top Sales World – If you are in sales, this site can help you with how-to-guides from top sales experts, articles, and tips.
TLNT.com – This website focuses on career advice regarding HR and talent management space, analysis, and insights.
Career Builder’s The Hiring Site – This site is excellent site for those seeking work and provides professionals that are hiring, with a community that revolves around how to maximize the strategy that you use to target, engage, and attract your people.
Simply Hired – Over 8 million job listings provides job seekers the exposure to be hired.
EvilHRLady.org – learn about what happens behind the scenes in a HR office.
Brazen Life – Stay ahead of recruiting trends and the competition when seeking a vacancy.