Tips on Protecting Your Electronic Payment, Online and Offline

Tips on Protecting Your Electronic Payment, Online and Offline

Online transactions are considered very convenient and quicker by many people.These online transactions however come with their own risks. It is important to note that while many people are fixated on the potential dangers of paying online, there is little realisation that some of the riskiest places you can use a credit or debit card are offline. Below are some general precautions when using a debit or credit card, both in-store or online.

– When possible, use your credit card instead of a debit card. Credit cards remain one of the safest ways to shop and pay bills online because they leave the shopper the least liable for fraudulent activity.

– Frequently check your bank accounts and credit card statements.

– Make sure any internet transaction is secured with encryption. Look for secure transaction symbols such as a lock symbol in the lower right-hand corner of your web browser, or “https://…” in the address bar of the website. The “s” indicates “secured” and means the web page uses encryption.

– Always log off from any website after a purchase transaction is made with your credit or debit card. If you cannot log off, shut down your browser to prevent unauthorized access to your account information.

– Safe guard your personal information, not just credit card numbers. Shred documents containing this information as criminals can use it to open a new credit card or account.

Above all else, trust your instinct. If you feel the slightest bit uneasy about the safety of a merchant or payment scenario, do not use a credit or debit card.

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