As the cost of living continues to rise more people have found themselves in need of extra sources of cash. When unexpected expenses arise, many people turn to lending institutions for help. While banking institutions may be helpful in some cases, they also have stringent qualifying criteria –making it increasingly challenging for people to access urgent cash loans.
Micro lending institutions such as Thabo Cash Loans offer borrowers simple and easily-accessible loans.
The lender provides short term loans, which are repayable within 2 months.
Loans amounts offered range from R100 to R2000.
Why choose Thabo Cash Loans?
The turnaround rate is quick. You may get approval within one hour.
You can have more than one loan at a time.
You can expect a same day payout.
Thabo Cash Loans is in the business of helping people manage small, unsecured credit, when they need it. The lender makes agreements as easy and straightforward as possible.
Thabo Cash Loans believes in responsible lending, so loans are only granted to individuals who will be able to afford repayments comfortably. As a responsible lending institution, Thabo Cash is a registered credit provider and is fully compliant with the national Credit Act.
The application process is simple and there is minimal documentation required. All you need to apply is a valid South African ID, latest 2 months’ payslips and 3 months’ bank statements.
Applying online may often be a paperless process and it also means that you have the benefit of being able to apply at any time. There is no need to spend money on transport costs, when trying to find a branch. The process is secure as Thabo Cash ensures that strict internet security measures are taken.
To contact Thabo Cash, call: 058 813 3110 or send an email to