Legal expenses cover is an add-on that you’ll be offered when you take out a car insurance policy. In some cases it’s usually free of charge or it’s a small fee, which you have to pay in annual premiums. And it’s cover for costs that aren’t covered by your motor insurance provider.
It’s for costs and compensation for things such as
- Loss of earnings
- Medical expenses
- Reasonable travel expenses
- Phone calls made to your insurer
- Hire car costs
As well as legal costs, this can be exorbitant. But having legal expenses cover can provide valuable peace of mind. So that, if you had a car accident and needed to take legal action for any reason, you wouldn’t have to cover solicitor’s bills yourself.
But here’s the catch even if you claim for legal cover for any of the above scenarios. There are no guarantees that your claim will be taken up. As you’ll only be allowed to make a claim on your legal expenses cover if it’s more likely than not that your claim will succeed.
Therefore you probably won’t be allowed to make a claim if it’s not completely clear who was to blame for the accident. Also that it’s a limited cover as it’s cover that comes with a limit on legal costs. If you don’t want legal expenses cover, remember to opt out if it as it’s automatically included in your motor insurance quote. But on the other hand it may be worth considering.