Join millions of customers in experiencing the best in quality, usability, safety and ease of use to do your FNB internet banking online. From day-to-day to advanced banking, we’re simply the best digital banking offering in SA.
Be in control of your banking and manage your money with this simple online system, available 24/7. Enjoy access to extensive banking services ranging from investing, insuring and foreign exchange to prepaid products and ADSL packages.
What you can do with FNB Internet Banking… to name a few:
- View detailed balances and transaction history
- Transfer funds between accounts
- Make payments (including once-off payments)
- Add, edit or delete recipients
- Send money with eWallet
- Send and receive global payments
- Buy Forex and get it delivered to you
- Open new accounts in under 10 minutes
- Get personalised offers for upgrades, limit increases
- Order new smartphones and tablets
FNB Online Banking rated the best in SA!
FNB Internet Bankinghas taken the top spot in the Columinate Internet Banking SITEisfaction Survey, which measures internet banking quality and user experience in South Africa. At an overall score of 75 points FNB emerged as the best online banking provider in 2015.
The SITEisfaction 2015 internet banking survey found that 38% of people use both online and cellphone channels, followed by 30% that use online, cellphone and tablets for banking, and 24% that use online banking.
Taking the number one spot with Online Banking, comes close after the FNB Banking App and Cellphone Banking were named the best mobile banking channels in South Africa in February 2015 in the annual South African Customer Satisfaction index (SAcsi) survey.
Online Banking is perfectly complimented with the award winning FNB Banking App to give you 24/7 banking at your convenience.