Getting a loan can sometimes prove to be a little difficult even more so trying to get a loan and you blacklisted. Well no more, because Bad credit loans as the name suggests assists even those with bad credit or judgments against their names. They can obtain a personal loan of up to R200 000 through their strategic partnership with various loan providers throughout South Africa (SA).
Pep Loans is known for being a favourite among South Africans who need a loan. If you’ve been blacklisted or have a bad credit score, you could also apply for a loan. Pep loans has access to money lenders and brokers, and they’ll use these contacts to make sure that you get the best loan that fits your needs. Clients have to pay a once off fee for using Pep’s services. Pep Loans offers their clients loans at competitive rates, and they help their clients improve their credit score.
Abfin Finance, a finance and product broker that assists in various loans. Provide a professional loan finding service for their clients by collecting their application forms and supporting documentation and matching them to their lender/broker partners. They endeavour to submit their application to the lender partner on their panel that best suits the client’s needs. Abfin even assist certain blacklisted clients, those needing Debt Counselling, Bridging Loans, Home Loans and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bonds. And Invoice Discounting and Property Rescue Loans.
Ooba experts in home finance. Ooba finds the money while you find the house. Let their experts find the perfect bond for you as they can submit up to nine banks do the paperwork and negotiation on your behalf. And even the greater part is that their service is free. Remain fast, efficient and ahead of schedule with Ooba.
Car Finance is the biggest car finance sourcing network where you can buy, finance and insure a car all under one roof. Car Finance deals directly with some of the top finance houses in SA to get you the best interest rate and lowest fees.