There comes a time when people come across unforeseen expenses and need funds urgently. During this time people need a reliable institution that can assist them. Woolworths offers a revolving loan where clients can borrow money from R1 000 and the loan is repayable in up to 60 months.
With a loan from Woolworths, clients can be able to access funds whenever they need it. Clients will however have to pay 50% of their agreed loan in order to access more funds. Clients are therefore able to pay whatever unforeseen expenses that may incur during the month.
Interest is charged according to the National Credit Act and clients can rest assured that it will never exceed the Act’s regulations. The interest charged is a variable interest rate that is linked to the Repo Rate which may change from time from time. Clients pay low service and initiation fees with the flexibility of increasing their limit should they need extra funds.
Payments are made monthly via a compulsory debit order. Clients can make additional payments at any Woolworth’s store, direct deposit or electronic funds transfer without penalties. Clients can also authorise Woolworths to send their monthly statements via e-mail for their convenience. Clients can also check details such as available credit and payment due on their cell phone.
Application is easy and can be done at a Woolworths store or online. Clients have to be 18 years of age or older, have a valid South African ID, have a bank account and be permanently employed with a monthly salary of at least R2 000. Once the application has been approved, the client will receive the money within 48 hours.
For the client’s peace of mind, Woolworths also offers optional balance protection which covers the client’s death, retrenchment, critical illness and disability. Woolworths’ interactive voice message system means that clients can have easy access to funds.
To apply for a Woolworths’ loan clients can fill in an in-store application, online application at or call 0861 50 20 10.