A Payday loan is that emergency cash that you need to tide you over until payday. And even better if it’s an online loan the approval process is entirely paperless. And can be completed within a matter of minutes straight from the payday loan company’s website. In South Africa (SA) there are plenty of Payday loans but these are the five that stand out from the crowd.
Is the first online payday loan provider to launch in SA added to that is its unique local touches of applying for a loan through any of the 11 official languages. It’s a quick cash advance with a max repayment of up to 32 days offering you that extra time to get the money to pay back the loan via your next payday.
Locally GetBucks is the latest payday loan provider to hit the SA market in comparison to Boodle and Wonga who’ve been in the game for a while now. And it also offers a much larger initial loan amount as well as a longer repayment period at 45 days rather than the usual 30 or 32 days.
GetBucks is the only payday loan provider to provide loans of up to R 4000 for new customers rather than the normal loan of R2 500.
Is an international giant online payday solution that’s making a solid play in SA. As Wonga SA is the local arm of the UK-based company Wonga UK, who were the first to pioneer online payday loans overseas. Wonga is not only applicable online but you can also access it through its mobile app. And by a small margin Wonga are considered the cheapest online payday provider.
Wanna loan is the same day, pay day, provider of small, paperless loans over short periods that you can quickly apply for online. And another benefit of the payday lending solutions company is that the first five days of the loan are interest free.
Short-term finance has seemed to become the future of the microfinance industry in South Africa and Wanna loan is right up there. Receive cash from R500 up to R3000 even if you’re blacklisted.
Power Financial Services if you’re in need of money immediately get a cash advance now and pay it back with your next salary. The maximum you can borrow is R5 000.
Power financial services provide instant payday loans for up to a month or more.