Spectrifin is a registered South African financial services provider which was established in 2003. The motivation behind the establishment of Spectrifin was to have a financial house which would provide financial services and products but also to meet the credit and financial needs of low and medium income groups in the country.
Spectrifin over the years been involved in the provision of innovative products like loans tailored as study loans or even home improvement loans. Spectrifin offers clients up to R30000 in loans with repayment periods running up to 36 months. Loan consolidations up to an amount of R50,000 also form part of the product offering. Spectrifin also specialises in financial services products packaged as employee benefits for employers, this is done by doing a comprehensive study of the employees financial situation, his need to borrow, find a long-term solution and provide education. Spectrifin also provides access to a personal budget programme without a cost to the Union, Employer or Employee.
The Spectrifin loan products come with credit life insurance which covers the client in the unfortunate event of death, disability or retrenchment. This insurance cover ensures that the outstanding balance of the loan is paid in case of the listed eventualities.
Spectrifin can be contacted on 0219172500.