When consumers are considering obtaining a credit card, there are a number of important factors they look at. These factors include monthly fees, interest, value-added benefits and overall service by the service provider. Nedbank is a South African financial institution which aims to fulfil these requirements while giving clients savvy banking options to suit their financial needs. The Nedbank Platinum Credit Card is one such option, designed to cater to Nedbank clients who earn an annual gross income of R400 000, 18 years or older, with a favourable track record.
Nedbank’s aspiration to give “special offers and services designed to complement the profile and needs of our distinguished Platinum Clients,” is supported by its highly competitive credit package offers.
Clients are given 55 days interest free credit, provided that the full outstanding balance is paid by the payment due date. An SMS service is provided to give clients notification when purchases are made at tillpoints on their credit, cheque or debit card(s). The detailed paper or electronic statement allows clients to monitor all transactions, while the balance protection plan ensures financial security and peace of mind in the event of death, disability, critical illness or retirement. Further benefits ensconced within this package include worldwide acceptance at over25 million merchants and acceptance at all ATMs for instant access to cash in South Africa and overseas. There is face-to-face card delivery, the option to get additional cards for family members or partners. An extended credit facility for bigger purchases to be repaid over 3 to 36 months is available.
For travel purposes, clients are offered exclusive perks such as automatic travel insurance for both local and international travel when clients purchase travel tickets using this credit card. The card holder is then given access to premier domestic airport lounges in the country.
Nedbank can be contacted on 086 032 11 11.